reiki testimonials from real badass women


After reiki with Liza, I felt centered, balanced and refreshed. Liza is gifted as intuitive healer with great sensitivity and a gentle, calm energy. In today’s world where our energies are often directed outward (into our devices, toward work, to family) it’s important to take time to get centered inside so that we can then bring our best selves back out in the world.

Reiki with Liza is a great way to practice self-care, to clear the energetic cobwebs, regroup and recharge.

Cathleen O'Connell, documentary filmmaker



To be “in good hands” is the best description of Liza’s reiki practice. I felt cared for, responded to, and as if she intuitively understood and stayed closely attuned to my needs and energy.

She created a calm, open and reflective space for me to retreat into, and was so respectful of where I wanted to take the experience. Reiki requires a level of trust between the practitioner and client, and Liza instills this with respect, kindness and grace.

Wendy Woon, Artist, Director Emeritus, Museum of Modern Art


a few more choice words about Liza

  • “Liza is the real deal: a devoted Buddhist teacher whose ability to translate ancient teachings into modern lessons shows just how relevant the dharma is.“

  • “Liza creates an environment that is soft and inviting. She keeps it real while inspiring you to keep practicing.”

  • “Liza’s vast experience and commitment to her own growth make her teachings grounded, accessible, and relevant. She makes getting your spiritual shit together fun!”

  • “The best part is that Kindred provides multiple ways to relieve stress in as little as a minute.”

  • “This little pink book is now a permanent fixture on my work desk. In the words of Ferris Bueller, life moves pretty fast; Kindred’s book can really help you stop and look around so that you don’t miss it.“


you deserve to feel good


you deserve to feel good 💓