reiki holistic healing & wellness in Miami Beach

In-person holistic healing sessions are centered on reiki energy healing and are completely customized, every time.

These expansive, luxuriously-paced sessions are super-charged for maximum impact. According your own needs or desires, your session may be enhanced by :

  • chakra healing & alignment

  • bio-energy wellness tools

  • infrared sauna mAT

  • PEMF (pulsed electro-magnetic field) therapY

  • ear seeds (Auriculotherapy)

  • Guided mindfulness meditation

  • plant medicine

  • Aromatherapy

  • sound healing (crystal bowls, tuning forks & more)

  • aura photos

Every single session is different (because your healing needs change everyday) and reiki healing sessions are listed at an all-inclusive price including additional enhancements.

I am trauma-informed, queer-friendly, and trained in somatic (body-based) healing practices. Read about what I believe here. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


reiki energy healing sessions in Miami Beach

Note: My hands-on healing sessions designed for high-achieving women with the resources to invest in the luxury of personalized attention. For more accessibly-priced offerings, please scroll down.

custom reiki healing session – first time Clients

1 hour 45 minutes

〰️ INTENTION 〰️ Our first session together is designed to give you an opportunity to begin to feel at ease with me and the space, to give me an opportunity to understand your short-and long-term needs, and to allow you to ground into your healing. We then do a full, completely customized, 90-minute healing session. You can expect to leave this session feeling welcomed, heard, and with a ton more calm, grounding, ease, peace, and strength then when you walked in.

〰️ OREINT & CONNECT 〰️ You’ll get a tour of the space to orient yourself and so that you can begin to feel at home. Then, we’ll have an intake conversation, during which I listen, ask questions, tune into your energy, and begin to understanding your short term needs––what do you need most, today. Together we’ll also set some simple longer term goals to help guide and orient our future sessions together. During this initial intake, I will also invite you, if you would like, to ask questions, share concerns, make requests, or tell me anything else you’d like for me to know. All parts of you are welcome here! My goal is to meet you where you are–you don’t need to do anything to prepare, unless you feel like it.

Once our intake conversation is complete, we’ll move into the full reiki healing session, as outlined below.

custom reiki healing session – existing clients

90 minutes

〰️ ARRIVE 〰️ Aromatherapy and sound healing start the moment you walk in the door. My goal is to allow your nervous system to begin to relax from the second you enter the space. We’ll spend a few moments checking in, getting you comfortable, and setting an intention for our time together. As soon as you’ve had a chance to exhale and shift into receiving mode, we’ll get started. This is your time. 

〰️ BEGIN 〰️ I will ask you to lie down, fully clothed, on a massage table. If we’ve decided to use infrared sauna or certain bio-energy tools (like pulsed electromagnetic-frequency or a negative ionizer), I will place a mat on the table beneath you. If you’re comfortable closing your eyes, I’ll ask if you’d like me to place a lavender-scented eye mask over them. If we’ve decided to work with crystals, I might gently place some on you, or ask you to hold them. I start by scanning your chakras (hovering my hands above your body to feel the energetic strength) so that I can understand where you might need the biggest boost.

〰️ REIKI 〰️ Your reiki session then begins with me gently placing my hands on certain positions on your head and face, and moving slowly down the front of your body, and then asking you to turn over so that I can do the same on your back. (The hand positions change according to your needs, but if you want a general idea, you can look here.) I am always happy to skip touching any places that bring you unease, or to do the entire session without direct touch. (We will discuss this in advance, and you can always change your mind; your comfort is paramount.)

〰️ SUPERCHARGE 〰️ Depending on our intention and what I sense you will benefit from, throughout the session I might incorporate vibrational sound healing (sound bowls or tuning forks), breathing or mindfulness practices, custom aromatherapy, crystals, or other modalities. This is a super-charged, highly customized healing session, created fresh for you each and every time. 

〰️ FINISH 〰️ I will let you know when our session is drawing to a close, so that you have time to adjust and incorporate what we’ve done. After you are ready to sit up, I will offer you a beverage and we will sit quietly together, discussing what you experienced. In order to help your transition back into your world, I often offer something healing to take with you, such as a song to listen to, a small talisman to carry, or an easy practice to calm yourself any time. Our work together is work that can carry through into your daily life, and will deepen, expand, and stay with you longer with each session.  

🔎 Looking for something that costs less?


Hands-on healing sessions require a substantial investment. For lower-cost support on your spiritual path, I offer you my anxiety journal and my book about practical meditation (they are available to order anywhere books are sold.)


Visit my ever-expanding resource library focusing on mindfulness, meditation scripts, anxiety help, and self love practices–most offerings are free! The the eff this meditation website also offers several unique paths into spiritual practice. Be sure to sign up for my Friday love notes, where I share free offerings most weeks.

If you are affiliated with a not-for-profit organization working with under-served communities in Miami or Miami Beach, I invite you to get in touch about exploring ways for me to bring complimentary mindfulness meditation and anxiety help to your community.

May you be well!